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Shades | Melanin & Sunshine

Updated: Mar 12, 2021

Melanin and sunshine, two words that tickled my neurones.

To the melanin in my skin,

To the melanin in my skin which has seen generations of time. Changed from one to the other to the degrees of the sun’s tilt. Our skin colour worked in tandem with the sun, ellipsing one another; one on earth and the other out there in space. Creating a strong connection and definition of where we came to settle in the world. Where many chose to settle and called it home. And with melanogenesis continuing to produce natural pigments of our own.


Île Dorée

Nous sommes une île dorée.

Des gens mixtes et inconnus.

Comblés de pensées positives

Musique zilwa

Taches contemporaines pointillées

Le sable qui vibre la vie.

La vie zilwa

La vie Maurice.

This is one of the rare times I thought in French and Mauritian Creole. The syntax comes as different, but I quite like it. In English, I would describe it as “The golden linings of our island Mauritius. Sort of like gold-speckled in the nicest of way. No one is a native, which I think allows for enjoying our diversity. There’s something very different about stepping on our land. It makes you feel good. Quite literally, the island life is different. And most importantly for me, apart from being golden – is «Taches contemporaines pointillées» which I translate into “Contemporary dotted stains”. We sort of are like stains; marked and discoloured, either easily faded or not easily removed.”


A Plentiful Cup

You are a plentiful cup,

Carrying your own waters.

Hug yourself tight

Because you are

Everything you need

To step up.


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