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PPS#31.3-2 Experiences, III - Bikaner House – Part II

Updated: Dec 17, 2020

February 12th, 2020

Dear Patient Reader,

Experiences, III

Bikaner House – Part II

Jitish Kalat is an active creator in the contemporary Indian art scene. His Terranum Nuncius features two of his most recent works, one being a large painting titled Ellipsis. The expanse of the canvas, and the strong treatment of the surface is quite striking. There is much to see, whether you are metres or inches away from its surface. The visualisation of Kalat’s overall composition, with its elements painted from a rather muted colour palette, is magnified to a cellular level.

Simultaneously on view at the Bikaner House, was another exhibition. Amongst several of the exhibiting artists was Cathy Lane. Her work titled The Ayahs, through a series of archival photographs, literary works and her single-channel video installation reveals an interesting part of history. The ayahs were nannies employed by Europeans in India during the British Raj and other British territories. Lane’s work represents a story. It is a striking collation, of personal economic necessity and the motherly care they gave to children who were not their own. In necessity, it is a story of migration, where women journeyed over land and sea to send back money to their families.

On an endnote, a written reflection to the ayahs,

They are beautiful, with their satin dark complexions and cotton sari toiles,

Holding, holding the baby child.

Information source: Wikipedia.

Right, Left: Details of Ellipsis

Top and Bottom: Display of archival photographs and literary works.The Ayahs, Cathy Lane.

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