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PPS#130 | Come back to your roots

Extract from “Come back to your roots”


“It’s time I pick up my leaves,” thought daily human to herself.


She picked up a rake not too far away from her, it reflected the light of the midday sun.

Sweat collected on her brows and trickling down her neck, daily human cautiously came closer, carefully placing her foot one at a time, walking steadily towards her tree.

It sat quietly in the ground, it’s leaves swaying in the wind.

A strong hint of recognition arised, like two good friends meeting after too long.


“Be patient with yourself,” said the Sun.

“Besides you’re evergreen.”

“You’re going to be so many different versions of yourself across your lifetime,

so many shades of green.”


The Sun, now setting, said,

“Come back to your roots, the ones that make you you, and like no one else. The ones that make you grow like a different coloured leaf, not like the others, not like the rest of the herd of sheep.

Think of my friend the river, see how she flows.

I pray you find your purpose, and your own colours, like the river finds the sea.

That you come back to your colours,

the leaves of your tree.

Come back to your roots, daily human, come back.

Like the river finds the sea.”

Dear Patient Reader,


For those who needed to read this, I hope that it resonates in one way or another that is beneficial to you.



(Daily human’s thoughts as she stood next to her tree)


“Lately, I’ve been walking around my tree, but never near enough to hear the sound my leaves make in the wind, not near enough to touch the texture of the tree bark. Not present enough to feel the scratchy, soft grass under my feet.”


A small animal scurried by. Hesitant to come closer, daily human reached out her hand and patiently coaxed the creature to feed out of her hand. She waited for it to feel safe in her presence and gained the animal’s trust.


“I waited all my life for a little friend like you, who knew what a small ball of fur could do to me, to my heart.”


The “small ball of fur” here symbolises a change, a circumstance, or a person that comes into our lives, one that grounds us, one that repeatedly brings us back to the present. In the case of daily human, and the strong bond and relationship built on trust, the animal keeps daily human close to her tree, her leaves, and her roots.


We may spend decades wishing for the same thing each birthday. Recently, I reminded myself that I can continue wishing, continue hoping as I grow older even as my life evolves. Everyday, I give myself the permission to keep believing throughout the various phases of my life, with every cell and inkling, in what I know is possible for myself; whether it be objectives or expectations. I encourage you to do the same.


At the same time, this is an urgent reminder to bring attention to subjects that matter to you, and for you to find your own “small animal” that grounds you. An animal, object, place, or person that constantly keeps you closer to the roots of your tree.


Today, why not take a moment to think about what your “small animal” is. What brings you back to your roots?


Much love,



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