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PPS#23 What School Was

Updated: Dec 17, 2020

December 8th, 2019

Dear Patient Reader,

This is to those awkward social groups in school that we didn’t entirely fit into, but we survived and made friends in anyways.

School was for most of us, the starting point of finding ourselves, wanting something (or not), but not really sure with parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, family, family friends, teachers, the career counselor, the principal, the staff, the internet, Google and strangers all heading us in different directions.

No wonder many of us didn’t know what we wanted. Where to start, how to start, and where or whom to look to. Let’s not even start with college applications and admissions. Three words: Horrifyingly stressful process. Bless our souls, and thank God that’s over.

Nearing the end of our schooling years is also when we started to explore and find our interests, likes and dislikes, comforts and discomforts. Either temporary or passionate, we dove in with a full heart and lots of energy.

If you’re reading this and you’re in school, please be nice, because bullying and peer pressure are in fifth gear. Be kind to your classmates and other students, or at least don’t interact if it’s going to be criticism and judgement. Kids in school are just trying to fit in.

Now we’re in college and getting on with our lives, adulting as they say. Wherever you all are I hope you’re managing. To those who we don’t hear from anymore and who most probably won’t read this, I hope that you’re doing okay. To those who will be finishing your degrees next year, well, here’s to more adulting.

P.S. Here’s a photo of us when we went to Île aux Aigrettes and Cédric made the guide cry. I’m sure she learned from the experience. Kids can be so different.

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