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Michael, Amanda & Ebony

Updated: Jan 30, 2021

30th January, 2021

"May the fireflies

follow you where

the butterflies

do not."

~ MvDarkLight

Coexistence and Pandora's Box

In my view, I understand coexistence to be a state where sickness, death, and other unspecified evils have the ability to coexist with health, hope, and life. The last thing to fly out of Pandora's box as a butterfly was hope.

According to Greek mythology, when Pandora opened her box, sickness, death, and other unspecified evils were released into the world. And as all the darkness and evil of the box came flying out to consume the earth, at the end, a butterfly flew out as a carrier of hope. Ever since, humans have been able to hold onto this hope during difficult times.

This post includes the poetry of Michael V Darklight, Amanda Gordon, and Ebony Errington-Beech.

Pandora. 1881


By Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema

Michael V Darklight

I would like to change one word in his quote to,

“May the fireflies

guide you where

the butterflies

do not.”

I am convinced that fireflies are actually fairies. Which is why we have fireflies, fairies rather, to guide us through heavy woods.

Amanda Gordon

Amanda Gordon reciting The Hill We Climb at Joe Biden's Inauguration. The Print. 2021

Excerpts from The Hill We Climb


Let the globe, if nothing else, say this is true:

That even as we grieved, we grew,

That even as we hurt, we hoped,

That even as we tired, we tried,

That we’ll forever be tied together, victorious—


For there is always light if only we’re brave enough to see it,

If only we’re brave enough to be it.

Ebony Errington-Beech

The Kelly Clarkson Show. 2021

Kelly Clarkson interviewing Ebony and Gordon, along with both of them reciting their poems.

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