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Why do I write?

Before I explain why I do, what is Zwazo lib?

Zwazo lib is Mauritian Creole for ‘free bird’, which is a name I have called myself for a very long time. I thought why not name a website what I have always seen myself as.


In July of 2019, I started a personal weekly that I shared on social media, which over the span of a few months evolved into more informative pieces I named 'Post-post Sunday'. Recently, I have stopped these posts due to other obligations and to create time for the small projects I am working on. Nonetheless, all the posts I have written are available on this website for your reading, do enjoy.


What are little ideas that grow?

Little ideas that grow stem from the fact that we all look at the same moon. We all look at the same moon, and the same sun shines its light onto our skin. Which I think, in a way, keeps us connected. In a way we share a certain commonality. The sky is vast and clear, which I think is admirable in its clarity. For me, the Mauritian sky is so purely blue. I take a lot from nature, which is very much what we are a part of. I like the verse from the Bible which goes, ‘You are dust and to dust you will return.' [Genesis 3:19] I appreciate the stars which are wonderfully marvellous, providing specks of light from trillions of kilometres away. Light that reaches us, here on Earth.


In the grand scheme of things, we are insignificant, but wholly significant in the lives of others and in the lives we lead. I think it is from that which grows the spirit of a people; building ourselves with a spirit to lead, love, and learn.


Thus, to lead, love, and learn we have the gift of communication.


Language in the very least, communicates in all its forms and variances. Which is a tool for something greater than what we think we have the potential for. Reading and writing are powerful tools, particularly ones’ own writing.


Writing can at times, make you feel so much better.


Along with reading, writing makes use of our imagination. It exercises our creativity and capacity to come up with new ideas. Strengthening our brains’ ability to come up with solutions. The communities we live in benefit from individuals being able to exercise the ability to think. Thinking is strengthened by reading. Reading strengthens families and values. Building the bonds we developed with our parents as children and doing the same with the younger members of our families. Writing allows you to structure your thoughts through verse. The usage of verse for its effect is a strong force. Verse is a very flexible way of communicating. It is a constructive form of communicating our opinions. I definitely would encourage you to take to pen and paper, or to screen and keyboard. If not two words, but a message worth sharing.

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